Due to the increased need for volunteers at MT Rush Soccer, we have in place a volunteer policy. Modeled by other clubs throughout the state, we are requiring each Rush family to submit a check for $200 at the beginning of the competitive season for each player. Checks will be given to your manager at the beginning of the season.
Competitive league players/families are required to volunteer 15 hours for the spring season and 8 hours for the fall season per. player. Maximum hours required per family is 30 for spring and 16 for fall seasons.
Checks will be destroyed upon receiving your documented hours; if a volunteer log sheet is not turned in your check will be deposited. Volunteer log sheets must be mailed to PO Box 1648 Great Falls, MT 59403 Emailed forms will not be accepted.
Montana Rush Appreciates All Our Volunteers
Volunteer Spots Available Click here
Volunteer Log Sheet Click here
Online Volunteer Form:
Click here
MT Rush relies on the active participation of all of its members and families. The club has implemented a Volunteer Policy. In order to keep our costs down and help our club run successfully, we ask that each of our families volunteer a minimum number of hours. Our club operates actively throughout the Fall Soccer season which includes recreational league and competitive league. Indoor Soccer season in the winter, and throughout our Spring Soccer season. There are more opportunities to fulfill your family volunteer commitment than just within your child’s season. Recreational soccer has a : 5 hour requirement per player (if receiving financial assistance).
Spring: 15-hour requirement per player; 30 hours maximum per family.
Fall: 8 hour requirement per player 16 hours maximum per family.
Examples of some volunteer opportunities. This is not a closed list, there are other opportunities available.
Please print and complete the volunteer hour log and return to your team manager or mail by June 30 to:
Montana Rush Soccer Club P.O. Box 1648 Great Falls, MT 59403
Concessions: (ALWAYS in need of help!) May include any of the following:
These tasks are to help keep our complex looking great at all times. These can be done by the players with the exception of the field marshals,
Tournament Volunteers
. Help with parking, collecting fees and directing traffic
. Help with referee food
. Help with keeping the pavilion clean (bathrooms and surrounding area)
. Help set up tents
. Help your team to complete their required tasks.
The above suggestions are not all inclusive of volunteer opportunities with your club.
P.O. Box 1648
Great Falls, Montana 59403
Email : admin@montanarushsoccer.com
Phone : 406-231-6333
“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"